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Welcome to the London Child Assessment Practice

The Service for Thought Leadership, and Organisational Transformation in Children's Services.

LCAP managed services works in partnership with local authorities, voluntary and private sector to create optimal social work delivery.

Bringing years of experience and a wide-range of expertise we have successfully delivered projects throughout the UK, uniquely positioning our teams to share best practice and innovative solutions.

Partnering with LCAP you are secured a flexible, affordable and effective business model tailored to help you achieve your vision whilst meeting the increasing demands in the public sector.

What matters to you, matter to us. 

We measure our success on the success we achieve on your behalf. We will work hand in hand with you to create a strong, sustainable workforce, delivering only the very best social work practice.

For a free consultation and to speak with an LCAP Project Manager, call us today at 07960531072.

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London Child Assessment Practice specialises with providing uniquely designed solutions to support all areas of statutory, voluntary and private sector children’s services.  Our primary goal is to influence, guide and improve children’s social work delivery.

We achieve this by deploying fully managed teams of exceptional practitioners to strengthen your workforce or by designing and implementing targeted approaches to immediately resolve capacity demand.

Our range of services not only support you to manage social work delivery effectively but guide you to look objectively and pragmatically at your practice and systems to identify key issues and suggest detailed, workable and cost-effective solutions that secure long term, positive outcomes. Children’s Social Work Services includes;

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    Analyzing the data

    Pre Ofsted Mock Inspections

    Why wait for an Ofsted inspection to review the performance of your children’s social care service?  Commissioning a mock inspection from the expert team at LCAP will confirm your strengths, identify your weaknesses, establish your opportunities. We’ll then provide you with a concise, practical plan to get and stay inspection ready, reducing the risk of receiving a ‘requires improvement’ or ‘inadequate’ judgement. We can also deploy rapid reaction teams to focus on raising standards in key practice areas.

    We’re here to support you in achieving the best outcomes for vulnerable children and young people, improving their life chances. We’ll not only help you ensure that your service is running with optimum effectiveness. We’ll also help you innovate, using SMART business processes and best practice models to drive service improvement.

    Here are just some of the areas covered by our Ofsted preparation service:

    • Verifying compliance in all children’s electronic records.

    • Driving the improvement plan and reporting to the improvement board.

    • Mentoring your leadership team in line with Ofsted leadership guidance and expectations.


    Rethinking Edge of Care

    Is it time for a different edge of care strategy?  Early engagement with vulnerable children and young people can make all the difference. Crucially, it can significantly reduce the numbers going into costly full-time care. 

    We’re here to help. We can provide the expert support you need, not only to meet your statutory obligations, but to achieve the best possible outcomes for children and young people on the edge of care. 

    That means a fully-managed, multi-disciplinary team of social workers, therapeutic staff and family support workers. They can efficiently and cost-effectively deliver proactive home-based intervention when it’s needed, including intensive programmes targeting hard-to-reach adolescents.

    At the heart of our practice model is the belief that positive change is a result of collaboration not instruction. By focusing on building positive relationships, we can have a direct impact on individual families, while winning the vital confidence of the community.


    Children Looked After Reduction Strategy

    Councils across England are currently experiencing a triple challenge, such as growth in demand for public services generally, including children’s social care

    • The need to demonstrate better performance against a backdrop of austerity and a reduction in public funding

    • A concern that there is insufficient progress on improving outcomes for vulnerable children receiving social care.

    Local authority funding has dramatically reduced at a time when the number of children becoming looked after is increasing.

    LCAP provides an extensive range of targeted approaches for children on the edge of care, within the first eight weeks of entering the care system, or who are at imminent risk of escalating to higher cost placements. 

    Our specialist team focuses on reducing unnecessary placements, encouraging better outcomes for children and young people and exploring safe and planned reunifications; all whilst creating savings at a time when the number of looked after children is on the rise


    12 Week Child In Need Programme

    We can deliver a 12-week programme focusing on children subject to Child in Need (CIN) plans.  The programme will involve complete statutory case management and a tailored and intensive, home-based intervention program with the children and their families.

    Reducing reliance on long-term CIN plans, eliminating drift and early identification of risk, not only has the potential to deliver better outcomes for children and young people it also saves money and reduces the pressure on your internal workforce.

    The CIN programme is undertaken by experienced social work practitioners delivering to KPI’s and outcome focused, measurable intervention to achieve sustainable changes.

    With the programme engaging multi agency partners from the beginning we have a proven track record of successfully de-escalating up to 80% of families within the project timeframe.

    Man Carrying Child in Arms

    Commissioning Children & Family Assessments

    We have built a strong core of social work experts with a broad base of knowledge and skills.  Our pay per assessment service provides a rapid, high quality option to completing statutory social work assessment.

    With experienced Social Work Practitioners and guaranteed quality, our assessments keep the voice of the child central. Showing a clear concise evidence base and links to social work theory and research assessment will conclude in 15 or 25 days robust analysis of historical issues, current risks and strengths.

    LCAP offers you:

    • Guaranteed quality

    • Strong, robust social workers

    • Immediate capacity support.

    • Agreed time-frames

    • Fixed cost on completion and satisfaction


    Semi Independent Accommodation

    LCAP offers bespoke support for 16 to 24 year old's, who are children looked after or care leavers.  We provide quality Pathway planning reviews or assessments in order to meet the needs of children and young people in care.  We encourage our young people to aim high and to develop a positive mind-set towards life. 

    We invest great efforts to ensure that our service users enjoy the best experience possible. We value their interests and invite their contributions to help shape the services we provide. We believe that this is the only way we can ensure that we achieve our ultimate goal which is to serve their very best interests. 

    We understand the challenges that come with being a teenager and, with proper and effective communication and collaboration with other agencies and professionals, we have been able to help many of our clients, some of whom once had no life plans or ambition, develop into independent and productive adults making a contribution to society.

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    20-22 Wenlock Rd, Hoxton, London N1 7GU


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    London Child Assessment Practice


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    20-22 Wenlock Rd, Hoxton, London N1 7GU

    ©2018 by LCAP.

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